The founder of Buddhism and figuratively referred to as “The Enlightened One,” Gautam Buddha. Since the concepts “peace,” “harmony,” and “balance” are usually linked to Buddhism, the image of the Buddha has gained popularity as a centrepiece or decoration in many homes, including those of non-believers.

Buddha is a representation of wisdom and contentment within. Before installing Lord Buddha in your home, it’s vital to keep certain things in mind, according to Vastu principles. Let’s discuss the dos and don’ts.

Dos and Don’ts for Keeping a Statue of Lord Buddha at Home


  • A Buddha statue would look fantastic on your desk at work, in your yard for meditation, or anywhere yoga is practised.
  • Place a decorative Buddha figurine facing forward if you install one in your car.
  • Since it resonates with prosperity and abundance, the statue in the garden should face the house.
  • Unless it is facing the main entrance from another angle, keep the statue facing into the room to clear away bad energy and welcome guests.
  • Additionally, you can purchase and display a canvas art painting of Buddha.


  • Buddha statues should never be placed on the ground or close to the bottoms of shoes since doing so is rude and improper.
  • To create a lucky altar, a piece of red paper should be placed beneath the Buddha.
  • Never store a decorative Buddha statue inside a safe or vault either. However, it is allowed to keep a Buddha on a shelf with closed doors.
  • Buddha sculptures should always face the entranceway if they are placed in the living room.
  • Never store the Lord Buddha statue in the storage, laundry room, or restroom.
  • Never allow dirt to accumulate on it, and keep it clean at all times.
