@ Sharat Sir, you are Goldmine of Knowledge and I believe that after following You, whatever comes to me, appears that I already knew it. Thanks, you keep us filled up and quenched.
@Jayaprakash, please try and understand the mimicking powers of VK. We need not include any mantra in the collection or archives, since you are fond of Mantras, you just need to know whichever Mantra blessing you want. Affirm for the energy of the mantra to VK and VK will bless you with that.
Further, for your knowledge, 15 years ago, when I was learning a very powerful healing process called "Power of Divine", Sharat Sir, gave me this Mantra of "Jaisa Ishwar Vaisa Main" (SOHAM). I suggest, instead of collecting rare Mantras, practice on your favorite Mantra energy. Our aim is "To Do" and not just keep "Gaining without Doing". This Mantra is going to multiply your body electromagnatic fields to 5 times. This is my experience. Best of Luck !!